1·Destructible rocks block the ideal building placement point at this expansion, however.
2·Each point of the polygon is added to the temporary shape on line 23, and if it's the first point in the polygon, its location is recorded as the placement for the text annotating that piece.
3·Placement (or distribution) : refers to how the product gets to the customer; for example, point-of-sale placement or retailing.
4·The placement of support columns is based on a radially symmetrical 16-point star pattern and is inspired by Arabic patternmaking.
5·From that point, WebSphere CloudBurst takes over the deployment process and USES its intelligent placement approach to determine what machines in the cloud will host each part in the pattern.
从这里开始,WebSphere CloudBurst会接管整个部署过程,并使用它的智能安装方法来确定云中哪些机器将负责运行模式的每个部分。
6·Camera Placement - Truck Yard: Each access and egress point (gates) to the truck yard as well as each exterior dock door shall be afforded 100% high resolution CCTV coverage.
7·Depending on the placement, aim this speaker either up or down to point directly at the listener.
8·Combined different rules of placement for point, line and polygon, the paper designed a program of automated text labeling for line feature in computer aided drawing.
9·The nice perspective of this specific piece and the placement of the point of interest are also helping.
10·It shows that the application of low-energy dynamic consolidation in soft ground stabilization is feasible and the key point is the placement of effective drainage system.